
Book Teaser Video: Wolves At Our Door by Soren Paul Petrek @spetrek_toche44 #historical

Book Teaser Video: Knightmare Arcanist by Shami Stovall @GameOverStation #fantasy

Book Trailer Teaser: Little Girls Sleeping by Jennifer Chase @jchasenovelist #crime #thriller

Book Teaser: Dreams That Never Were by Greg Messel

Book Teaser Video: High Flying by Kaylin McFarren @4kaylin #timetravel #thriller

Book Teaser: Tough Karma: A Race Against Time by Laura Simmons @laurasimmons37 #paranormal #romance

Book Teaser: Misfits and Supermen by Steve Starger #memoir

Book Teaser: Shrapnel in the San Fernando Valley by Carol Es #memoir @esart

Book Teaser: Moments That Made America: From the Ice Age to the Alamo by Geoff Armstrong

Book Teaser: Dark Spiral Down by Michael Houtz @michaelhoutz #thriller

Book Teaser: Guns, Drugs, or Wealth by Jerry Ford

Book Teaser: Fid's Crusade by David H. Reiss @davidhreiss #Scifi #Fantasy

Book Teaser: The Guild Saga Series by John Joseph Doody @johnjosephdoody #scifi #fantasy